Glia Ecosystems

Glia Ecosystems

AI Chatbot

Glia Ecosystems AI chatbot app built for the trading environment. Giving traders the answers to simple or complex questions in a timely manner enables them to make informed decisions with the intention of saving time and increasing trading success.

My Responsibilities

  • Conduct stakeholder workshops with the aim of understanding what the app's aims and capabilities will be. To also understand the stakeholder's ambition for the app.
  • Conduct a heuristic analysis of the app offering which would identify where we could add the most value regarding its user experience.
  • Together with a subject matter expert identify user tasks the app would need to perform.
  • Present findings to stakeholders with regards to how we both fulfil user needs and adhere to UX best practices.
  • Work with the engineering team on how we move this design vision into code.